The Issues as I see them deserves to be at the top of this blog. If you've just tuned in, click on this link to go to this earlier post. If you've browsed before and want to review a particular post, you can choose from the "Quicklinks" in blue to the right of this column.
If you're reading this post, you are in a minority among voters from Princeton, as the last recorded visit to this site from town was on August 2nd. Princeton people, by and large, appear to depend on face-to-face meetings to pass information and to debate hot issues. And that's not a bad thing. It's part of what drew me back here.
On the other hand, an almost total discounting of the power of the web as a medium of information exchange and discourse may be contributing to the downward spiral (economic, social, population) that seems to be plaguing the town at the moment. The internet, the worldwide web, and social media are all powerful driving forces in the world today,
If Princeton is going to reinvent itself as a dynamic, diverse and thriving small center of culture and economic stability, I believe greater attention needs to be give to using the powerful array of digital tools at our disposal.
If I am elected to Town Council tomorrow, this will become part of my electoral responsibility for the next 28 months. If I am NOT elected to Town Council tomorrow, bringing some of these tools to the attention of the incoming Council will become part of my personal mission for the future.
IN any case, be SURE to VOTE in Saturday's Civic Election, and then, Stay Tuned...
With Regards to the People of Princeton
Rob Rubis, Candidate for Council