ERRATA - Mai Shangri-La
(error-corrections to the May 20,2008 Createspace publication)
Author's Note: par.3, l.5, missing "inevitabe" following "arguably"
Chapter I
p. 1. - paragraph4, line6, add "the" before "diaphanous"
p. 2. - par3, l4, space between "twentyhours"; par.4, l9, close quotes on "Roaring 20's"
p. 3. - par2, l11, italicize "the Great Leveling"
Chapter II
p. 9. - par1, l3, "know" to "knew"
p. 10. - par1,l9, "an ever-changing" to "a never static"
p. 11. - par2,l5, cut "to the" before "of the tower"
p. 14 - par2, correct indent second line.
Chapter III
p. 15 - last line, last word, "seven" to "four"
p. 16 - par4,l9, "up to the" for "up toe the"; par5, l1, cut "," after "Strange," he"
p. 17 - par1,l7, "still" for "held"; par1,l9, cut "still" before "offered"
p. 18 - par5,l11, "protecting" to "protected"
p. 19 - par2,l4, cut "by" before "flu";par3,l3, cut "of" before "down";par3,l9,"as it was" to "but";par3,l10, "as" after "gold" to "where";par3,l11,full stop after "sea";cut "where apparently; new sentence begins with "The air there was relatively"
p. 20 - par.1,l5, "clicks" for "miles";par1,l14 "The majority of" for "Most of";par1,l18,cut "that had", change "greeted" to "greeting";par3,l7,Cut "Although", begin sentence with "He";l9, add "but" before "all in all".
p.21 - par2, l2, cut "had" before "barreled";par2,l13, "mile and hour" to "mile-an-hour";par4,l4, "as" after "stupidity" to "when".
p.22 - par2,l1, "importantly" to "important"
p.23 - par2,l13, cut "that" before "left";par3,l4, period after "through" to outside quotes.
Dreamory, 1994
p. 293 - par3, l. 7, "taxi-drives" to "taxi-drivers"; l.8 "comfortabl" to "comfortable"; l15, "buse" to "buses"; par 4, l.3 del "sh", add "breathing" following "are"
p. 294 - par4, l.5 - replace "Reuben" with "he". Dreamories do not name the character.
p. 295 - par 2, l12 - move "off" before "into space"; l15 - cut "he now sees" & change to "that's"
p. 296 - par2, l2nd from last, cut "," after "turn";par3,l3, "Wwhat's" to "What's";par5, last line, "awayt" to "away".
Chapter XXVII
p. 300 - par1, l9, cut "that";par4, l6, "here" to "he";par5, l9, add "," after "port".